Please click on an arrow/play button to hear the sermon
Pentecost Sunday 2014, June 8: 6-8-14
Mountain Moving Faith, June 1: 6-1-14
The Assurance of the Resurrection, April 27: 4-27-14
Why Are So Many People Unsaved, April 23: 4-23-14
Kingdom Principles for Abundant Living – Honor, September 15: 9-15-13
Kingdom Principles for Abundant Living – Purity, August 18: 8-18-13
Kingdom Principles for Abundant Living – Hospitality, July 28: 7-28-13
Kingdom Principles for Abundant Living – Love, July 14: 7-14-13
April 28: 4-28-13
April 21: 4-21-13b
Easter Sunday: Easter_2013
Good Friday: good friday 2013